Thursday, October 30, 2008

WOW Philippines - Hilaga

I never had a boyfriend before until he came in my life and mesmerized my heart. And that’s a wish come into reality! Imagine, for more than 22 years of my life I never had a special committed relationship with a guy. All I had were purely friendship, with tuksuhan, or may be with some sort of mutual understanding, but not of a serious thing. I longed for someone who would care for me, love me for being me. I sought for someone who would stand by me through thick and thin.

And, I thank GOD for giving him to me.

The excitement brought about the idea of having a unique term of endearment. We, particularly me, have wanted to come up with something different. I really want it to be special, something exceptional. So many sweet, cute words come out and yet it seems ordinary. Until we’ve thought of making some sort of experiment. “Why don’t we have something that only we can understand the real meaning?” That is exactly what we’ve realized. And here comes the idea of calling each other by “Shue.” Want to know why? It is only us who knows! And, it is only us who will know!

From then on we call each other by the name Shue. And this started at WOW Philippines Hilaga located at San Fernando City, Pampanga.


ren said...

philippines is truly a good island to travel. from the tip north to the tip south u can experience of variety of extreme activities, good ammenities, beautiful resorts and accomodating people

shue said...

Yeah, I strongly agree! Philippines have so many things to be proud of.